Hungary: Fundamental Law amendment – adopted without public consultation – should be revised to avoid potential discrimination, says Venice Commission

Strasbourg, 06.07.2021 – The Ninth Amendment to Hungary’s Fundamental Law, which entered into force on 23 December last year, should have had proper public consultations before its adoption last year, according to an opinion published late on 5 July by the Council of Europe’s Venice Commission. In their opinion, the Council of Europe’s...

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A Case Study of the Guantanamo Ex-Detainees Seeking Asylum in Central Asia

In 2014, Kazakhstan received five Guantanamo Bay former detainees as part of a bilateral resettlement agreement with the USA. These detainees, of Yemeni and Tunisian origin, were transferred as asylum-seekers due to a risk of persecution in their countries of origin. Though Kazakhstan is a party to the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of...

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Human Rights Council to Hold its Forty-Seventh Regular Session from 21 June to 13 July 2021

The United Nations Human Rights Council will hold its forty-seventh regular session from 21 June to 13 July 2021 at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. The hybrid Council will be meeting in room XVIII with most statements delivered virtually. The session will open at 10 a.m. on Monday, 21 June under the presidency of Ambassador Nazhat Shameem Khan...

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Bring Human Rights Home: A Story from the Netherlands

Статья 12 Никто не может подвергаться произвольному вмешательству в его личную и семейную жизнь, произвольным посягательствам на неприкосновенность его жилища, тайну его корреспонденции...

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ВОЗ: Сводное руководство по охране сексуального и репродуктивного здоровья и защите прав женщин, живущих с ВИЧ

Эпидемия ВИЧ не только подпитывается существованием гендерного неравенства, но и усугубляет его, повышая уязвимость женщин к его воздействию. Принятие мер по охране сексуального и...

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Venice Commission published a set of guidelines to protect ombudsman institutions

Venice Commission published a set of guidelines to protect ombudsman institutions, following threats to these institutions in recent years. Ombudsman are important for democracy, their services are free, and are thus accessible to individuals who cannot afford to pursue their complaints through the courts. They can take action independently...

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Belarus: Bachelet appoints OHCHR fact-finding mission experts

GENEVA (19 May 2021) – UN High Commissioner Michelle Bachelet today announced the appointment of three high-level experts to the UN Human Rights Office’s fact-finding mission on Belarus that will assist her in conducting a comprehensive examination of alleged human rights violations committed in Belarus since 1 May 2020, including the...

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Universal Design: environments, products, services accessible and usable by all

Recommendation CM/Rec(2009)6of the Committee of Ministers to member stateson ageing and disability in the 21st century: sustainable frameworks to enable greater quality of life in an inclusive society *   *   * The Committee of Ministers, Considering that the aim of the Council of Europe is to achieve greater unity between its members and that...

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About diabetes: Dean Phillips — Member of Congress USA

Dear Ms. Mosseeva-Helier, Representation begins with listening, and I appreciate hearing from you about our healthcare system. I believe that it is time for us to make the moral decision to ensure that all Americans have access to affordable, high-quality healthcare – no matter their circumstances. That is why I support providing a public option...

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