Azərbaycan vəkilliyinin uğurları, vəkillərin həqiqi birliyi bəzi dairələri çox narahat edir. Bu səbəbdən də xaricdəki bəzi dairələr son 10 ildə Vəkillər Kollegiyası ilə hüquqi mübahisəsi olan bir neçə hüquqşünasın rəyi ilə qərəzli qara PR kampaniyası aparırlar, bizə qarşı əsas ittihamlardan biri kimi...
Human Rights
Intersessional meeting of the Human Rights Council Geneva, 4 December 2020 Distinguished President, Excellencies, Colleagues, Friends, I regret to report that since the Council’s urgent debate on Belarus in September, there has been no improvement in the human rights situation in the country. On the contrary, recent weeks have seen continued...
The development of Kyrgyzstan reveals two important trends: declining agricultural production and a steady increase of remittances from labor migration. These trends suggest a transformative effect of migration, negating an overly simplistic investment effect of financial remittances on long standing livelihood activities. Although many studies...
Sandu on priorities as president Maia Sandu named the main priorities of her work as president: a balanced foreign policy, inclusion in the 2021 budget of costs to overcome the crisis, fight against corruption, and the reform of justice. Sandu also demanded that the Government provide free treatment for people who are being treated for...
Hans Dietrich Frhr. von Loeffelholz, Senior Researcher on Migration and Integration, Secretary of Lionsclub Essen-Assindia (Germany),»Migration and integration in Germany and in the European Union during the waves of the COVID19 pandemic» Tatyana Kotlyar — Chairman of the Council of the Kaluga Regional Public Movement «For...
Type 2 diabetes is a common condition that causes the level of sugar (glucose) in the blood to become too high. It can cause symptoms like excessive thirst, needing to pee a lot and tiredness. It can also increase your risk of getting serious problems with your eyes, heart and nerves. It’s a lifelong condition that can affect your everyday...
This year with the overwhelming impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the region and the world it was decided to trace how the consequences of it are changing the socio-political, economic, and human dimensions of Central Asia. The pandemic hit the region devastatingly. Nearly all sectors of the economy have been affected causing major disruptions in...
Belarusian crisis has attracted attention of practitioners and scientists to the universal jurisdiction principle. The rationale for principle is based on the idea that certain crimes are so serious that they affect the whole international community with the result that States are obliged to bring proceedings against the perpetrators. The nature...
This year’s festival is moving online where we are creating a dedicated virtual space to share, celebrate, remember, explore, provoke and promote the arts for human rights. Join us as we bring together artists, activists, citizens, families, communities and all those interested in using the arts to celebrate and promote human rights and equality...