Lord Bingham outlined eight hallmark principles by which the Rule of Law can be measured. No society meets the full rigour of all of these requirements but this is an aspiration that all societies should strive towards. The law must be accessible, intelligible, clear and predictable. Questions of legal right and liability should ordinarily be...
Метка: HR
With more than 65 million people forcibly displaced globally and boat crossings of the Mediterranean still regularly in the headlines, the terms ‘refugee’ and ‘migrant’ are frequently used interchangeably in media and public discourse. But is there a difference between the two, and does it matter? Yes, there is a...
Strasbourg, 24 April 2023 — “I call on the Lithuanian Parliament to reject the draft amendments to the Law on the State Border and its Protection, which would legalise the current practices that put persons in need of international protection at risk of pushbacks,” said the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja...
The purpose of the study is the cognition of artificial intelligence by man. The relevance of this problem is due to the fact that nowadays AI plays a very important role in the development of the economy, technology, the public sphere and scientific enterprises. Nevertheless, when AI manages to make successful predictions that go beyond the...
A new research paper published by the Hungarian Helsinki Committee brings attention to the worrying practices of non-implementation of judgments in the field of asylum and migration in Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia and the implications on the rule of law. Due to the politicised nature of asylum and migration, the relevant EU...
A Nobel Peace Prize in times of war” Panel discussionby the Norwegian Helsinki Committee, in partnership with the Nobel Peace CentreInterventionby Dunja Mijatović — Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Dear Secretary general, dear participants, It would be difficult to find a more appropriate time or venue than this discussion...
The climate crisis impacts the entire globe, and persons of all ages experience the negative and harsh consequences of climate change. However, climate change disproportionately impacts older persons, especially older women, persons living in situation of poverty, and older persons with disabilities. Despite this, older persons are often not...
- Human Rights
- защита прав больных диабетом
- защита прав инвалидов
- защита прав человека в ООН
- защита права на охрану здоровья и медпомощь
- свобода выражения мнения / Пацифизм
- свобода информации
Inclusive and resilient health care for all – are we closer?
Statement by the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, ahead of World Health Day: Strasbourg, 06 April 2022 — «It has been over a year since I published my Issue paper on protecting the right to health. In February 2021, as Europe was gripped by the multiple impacts of COVID-19, I addressed recommendations...
- Human Rights
- блог Татьяны Котляр
- Важное
- защита прав человека в ООН
- Иностранцам и апатридам
- лицам, ищущим убежища
Дайджест московского офиса УВКБ ООН
Агентство ООН по делам беженцев в Российской Федерации радо поделиться с вами дайджестом УВКБ ООН Россия за февраль 2022 года. В дайджесте освещаются основные направления деятельности...
The battlefields are economic, digital, financial, jurisdictional. Combat in none of those fields requires physical people in helmets on tanks or in submarines. Yes, generals always fight the last war. Russian generals have never been so out of date. Putin, hopelessly, has stayed in the last century, which is terrible for the entire world and for...