Week Celebration of International Days of Older Persons

International Day of Older Persons (IDOP) was initiated by the UN on 14th December 1990 to honor the efforts of elderly and value they bring into our society. Globally, the day is celebrated with different campaign activities with various themes. Though the first October is designated as IDOP, it is being celebrated more than a day due to its...

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ILO launches Global Media Competition on Labour Migration

The International Labour Organization (ILO) is launching its fifth annual Global Media Competition to recognize exemplary media coverage of labour migration. This year’s themes are ‘fair recruitment’ and ‘the future of labour migration’. For the first time, the competition has a student prize category and the option for a fellowship...

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Правозащитник из Таджикистана

This time we interviewed Dilrabo Samadova – a human rights defender from Tajikistan. Dilrabo told us about the importance of teaching human rights to the youth, the high cost of inaction, and how much kids and teenagers can teach all of us about freedom and dignity.

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Аналитика сайта

За прошлую неделю сайт Движения посетили 152 человека: часть — из «традиционных» стран: Россия, США, Украина, Казахстан, Беларусь, Германия, Туркменистан, а часть читателей из...

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Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Какие цели должно выполнить мировое сообщество к 2030 году, чтобы добиться устойчивого развития?Цели и цифры языком рэпа. Опубликовано Служба новостей ООН Понедельник, 3 октября 2016 г.

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Kaluga’s Gypsies

What is your eхperience providing wide range of cervices to the victims of discrimination? 1. The victims of discrimination asked helping in Obninsk about 10 years ago: these are people whose rights were infringed, because they have not registrations,  passports, Russian citizenship, nationality and so on. These people have not medical service...

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Search of home of human rights defender Semyon Simonov

On 12 September 2019, police conducted a search in the house of human rights defender and lawyer Semyon Simonov in Sochi. Documents and digital devices of the Southern Human Rights Centre were seized during the search. Human rights defender Semyon Simonov works on minority rights, raises awareness about human rights and civil rights, police...

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