Community Visits to Build Awareness on COVID-19

  Awareness building sessions were organized on COVID-19 and its preventive measures among older people of different communities. Small groups of 6 to 10 older people participated in the session and a pair of medical gloves and a mask were distributed free of cost. Similarly, pamphlets on how to protect older...

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Afghanistan: Compilation of Country of Origin Information (COI) Relevant for Assessing the Availability of an Internal Flight, Relocation or Protection Alternative to Kabul

I. Executive Summary These Guidelines supersede the April 2016 UNHCR Eligibility Guidelines for Assessing the International Protection Needs of Asylum-Seekers from Afghanistan. They are issued against a background of continuing concerns about the security situation and widespread human rights abuses. They contain information on particular profiles...

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Community Mitigation Guidance for COVID-19 Response

CDC recommends individuals and families follow everyday preventive measures: Voluntary Home Isolation: Stay home when you are sick with respiratory disease symptoms. At the present time, these symptoms are more likely due to influenza or other respiratory viruses than to COVID-19-related virus. Respiratory Etiquette: Cover coughs and sneezes with...

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World NGO Day

(на русском языке текст ниже) (Правозащитное движение «За права человека» началось с дела Дрейфуса в 1894 году, которое вызвало в 1922 году создание по инициативе немецкой и французской...

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Uzbekistan sustains poverty by blocking internal migration

Economists generally agree that migration drives growth. Internal migration, from rural (and usually poorer regions) to cities, has historically underwritten economic development and poverty reduction. Think of the Industrial Revolution, which saw migrants surge into burgeoning urban centers. In its independent history Uzbekistan has urbanized at...

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Helsińska Fundacja Praw Człowieka

Helsińska Fundacja Praw Człowieka Pamiętacie o praktykach w dziale prawnym? Na zgłoszenia czekamy do 27 stycznia!W ramach praktyk semestralnych w dziale prawnym będziecie brali udział w: ✅ pracach zespołu wstępnej analizy spraw napływających do HFPC; ✅ rozprawach sądowych jako obserwatorzy z ramienia HFPC; … Чем...

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German refugee needs help

Marina R is a single mother from Germany, an asylum seeker in Russia (Kaluga Region). Marina Reger lost her daughter 14 years ago in Germany. And now she is threatened with the removal of her 3-year-old son. Therefore, she left Germany and arrived in the Kaluga region, where 6 German families with WU status in the Maloyaroslavets District already...

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