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Week Celebration of International Days of Older Persons

International Day of Older Persons (IDOP) was initiated by the UN on 14th December 1990 to honor the efforts of elderly and value they bring into our society. Globally, the day is celebrated with different campaign activities with various themes.

Though the first October is designated as IDOP, it is being celebrated more than a day due to its growing importance.

The theme of IDOP 2019 is “The Journey to Age Equality” that is aligned with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 10.

Об авторе

Любовь Мосеева-Элье

юрист-правозащитница, многодетная мать и бабушка, блогерка

полная биография тут: http://antipytki.ru/expert/moseeva-ele-lyubov-aleksandrovna-helier-bk-ru/

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