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Voluntary National Reviews

Voluntary National Review (VNR) is a process through which countries assess and present progress made in achieving the global goals and the pledge to leave no one behind. The purpose of VNRs is to present a snapshot of where the country stands in SDG implementation, with a view to help accelerate progress through experience sharing, peer-learning, identifying gaps and good practices, and mobilizing partnerships.

In 2021, 44 countries have signed up to conduct a VNR review. To assist them integrate human rights data, analysis and approaches in the VNRs, OHCHR prepared the below country-specific documents (PDF format).

Human rights lens and approach in the VNR reporting process

Об авторе

Любовь Мосеева-Элье

юрист-правозащитница, многодетная мать и бабушка, блогерка

полная биография тут: http://antipytki.ru/expert/moseeva-ele-lyubov-aleksandrovna-helier-bk-ru/

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